The goal is to enhance climate resilience at household, farming and ecosystem levels.

We focus on climate adaptation and mitigation strategies including climate smart agriculture and nature-based solutions that conserve the natural resource base and provide alternative livelihoods.

  • We restore degraded landscapes in the forest using native trees.
  • Advocate planting of drought resistant crops – rosemary, tea-tree, lavender.
  • Promote the tree-based systems on the farm.
  • Climate change sensitization and awareness.
  • Promote climate smart agriculture.
  • We also promote the use of alternative renewable household energy and solar in water pumping.
  • Slider: Supporting small-holders farmers in Kenya since 1993 About us HSHC is a national development agency, registered in Kenya (1993), working with thousands of communities to end poverty and environmental degradation. Help Self Help Centre (HSHC) works with forest adjacent communities and pastoralists to end poverty. Our work seeks to create and sustain better livelihoods through capacity development, access to technology, financial and business development services and linkage to the markets. HSHC listens to, and learns from small-holders farmers to identify and help them fulfill their own needs and encouraging them to lobby decisions-makers in their own context. We have a distinctive approach to fighting poverty, with technology and business solutions at the heart of everything we do. Our Vision A society without poverty and where every person enjoys their right to unrestricted access to productive resources. Our Mission To work with small-holders farmers and the food and chemical industries to eradicate poverty and environmental degradation through sustainable management of natural resources Our Goal To facilitate the local community living around forests of Mt Kenya to effectively and viably manage existing opportunities in agricultural and nature based unique resources to support sustainable livelihoods Agribusiness We assist small-holders farmers in growing strawberry, tree tomato, mango, fresh mint and chives. This program has evolved into 2 social enterprises HBV and EAL. Microfinance Through the partnershlip with Jifaidi Sacco we provide micro loans to farmers and their families. Next to loans for agricultures we also provide loans for school and college fees. Programs Agroforestry This program focuses on Research and & Development (R&D) and commercialization of unique and innovative natural products. The program has managed to commercialize, under its sister company HBV, three products namely croton oil, Yangu oil and Aloe Vera. The program targets forest adjacent and pastoralist communities with special attention to empowering women and preservation of the Mt. Kenya Forest. Climate Change Resilience We focus on assisting local communities to adapt to climate change through adaptation and mitigation strategies including climate smart agriculture, renewable energy technologies, efficient household cook-stoves, and alternative livelihoods. Improving Employability of TVET Graduates Project OBJECTIVE The objective of this project is to equip and provide young TVET graduates with the necessary skills and opportunities to find decent jobs or create their own jobs in growth sectors. PROJECT FOCUS Career guidance and on-the job and soft skills training • Creating awarenes on availability of TVET related expertise • Reinvigorate interest of TVET related careers (for those already in menial jobs) • Build partnerships with local businesses. • Build TVET innovativeness within the counties ACTIVITIES • Soft skills training (ICT) • Career guidance(CV) • Business and entrepreneurial skills • Link TVET graduate with employers, clients and support for own businesses. Projects Projects Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth through Sustainable Management of CapeChestnut, Baobab and Marula Essential Oil Value Chain Women and Youth IN Climate change Oriented, and Market focused farming Enterprise (Women and Youth INCOME Project) with the support of the Lutheran World Relief Small holders farmers agribusiness micro-finance and field support project Help us help Kenyan farmers We at HSHC believe in farmers’ best intentions Our farmers are exceptional persons, they are skillful growers with a big heart for nature. We stand behind them and we are greatful for their precious work is feeding humanity. Get in touch 15 + 12 = Submit Invest Invest menu Are you an individual looking for ways to make an impact and grow your capital? Steve Individual Investor Interested in an alternative to obligations and stocks investments. Concerned about how the bank is investing his savings in businesses that do not do good to the world. Looking for short period investments with a social impact. Steve has started investing 1000 euro in 2016 and made 120 euro. This year he is investing 3000 euro, supporting 10 farmers. In 2 years Steve will have supported 14 farmers and made 480 euros. “I am planning to create a small capital in 5 years of about 10000 euro and start saving for my retirement. The fact I can do this while supporting small-holders farmers in Kenya makes me proud and happy.” Steve says. “If I leave my capital in my bank I probably buy a couple of icecreams at the end of the year. With HSHC Kenya I can build up my capital and do good for my country at the same time, I feel I am in control of my asset.” WANT TO KNOW HOW TO INVEST? We are happy to have a conversation with you and explore how we can grow together
    HELP SELF HELP SELF “Strengthening capacity for self-help” About Us Help Self Help Centre (HSHC) is a national development agency, registered in Kenya (1993), working with thousands of communities to end poverty and environmental degradation. We take a rights-based approach and market-led conservation approach to ensure an all-inclusive, equal, benefit sharing and conservation of the natural resources. We believe people living in poverty can lead the fight to end poverty therefore we look into local knowledge on indigenous resources, what people are doing and then help them to sustainably manage and bring business solutions. Through technology we enable underprivileged communities to build on their skills and knowledge to produce sustainable and practical solutions - transforming their lives and protecting the environment. Our work seeks to create and sustain better livelihoods through capacity development, access to technology, financial and business development services, linkage to the markets and holding the government accountable to the needs of the disadvantaged. Though a non- profit, we are dedicated to ending extreme poverty by following a social enterprise approach to development, working in partnership with other like-minded organizations and individuals to bring real change to the poor. We help grow strong business cases that create income, jobs and wealth in poor communities. Our Vision: A society without poverty and where every person enjoys their right to unrestricted access to productive resources. Our Mission: To work with poor and excluded people to eradicate poverty and environmental concerns through sustainable management of natural resources. Our Goal: To facilitate the local community living around forests to effectively and viably manage existing opportunities in agricultural and nature based unique resources to support sustainable livelihoods. OUR VALUES • We respect and acknowledge the contributions of others • We promote social justice and equity • We believe in the power of collective participation in setting and achieving goals. • We strive to learn continuously from our successes and failures • We promote transparency and accountability in dealing with our partners OUR APPROACH We work on just fighting against poverty – but working for long lasting solutions to poverty and environmental degradation. We take a rights-based approach and market-led conservation approach to ensure all-inclusiveness, equality, fair benefit sharing and conservation of the natural resources. We believe people living in poverty can lead the fight to end poverty. We help people use their own knowledge and resources to fight poverty and bring transformation in household, families and communities. We use simple innovations and business solutions to challenge poverty and environmental degradation. We find out about local knowledge on indigenous resources, what people are doing and help them to sustainably manage and bring business solutions. Through technology we enable poor communities to build on their skills and knowledge to produce sustainable and practical solutions - transforming their lives and protecting the environment. Though a non- profit, we are dedicated to ending the extreme poverty by following a social enterprise approach to development, working in partnership with other like-minded organizations and individuals to bring real change to the poor. We help grow strong business cases that create income, jobs and wealth in poor communities. We particularly help women and youth. Where we work We work with forest adjacent communities in Mount Kenya region specifically Nyeri and Laikipia. The Nature Based Enterprise Program also works in Meru, and Tharaka-nithi counties. We have offices in Mount Kenya region (Nyeri, Laikipia) with responsibility for coordinating programs, finances, management, and knowledge sharing and fundraising. Our Structure and Governance HSHC has a management board which sets the strategic policy direction of the organization. The board is involved in strategic planning, authorization of budget and appointment of the director. Our work against poverty is coordinated by a national secretariat, based in Nairobi, headed by a director. We lay organizational priorities: to transform our leadership, improve our systems, diversify our income and harness the remarkable people-power of our staff, our committed Board, our volunteers and supporters. OUR TEAM Our success in creating business solutions to poverty is due in large part to our talented and highly committed team. Our staff combines business expertise with local knowledge, relationships and context to help hardworking men and women generate income, jobs and wealth for their families and communities. Current numbers of staff are 14 in various disciplines of management, financial, business, social and natural resource management expertise. Program Work The organization works in four program areas: 1. Agribusiness program that focuses on development of strawberry and tree tomato value chain and targets mainly small holder farmers. This program has evolved into a business that has qualified as a public-private partnership- ECOAGRIBUSINES LTD. The business ECOAGRIBUSINES LTD, is a partnership between Help Self Help Centre and Fair and sustainable B. V Netherlands, but managed autonomously. The main products include natural fruit jam and pulp for the milk industry. 2. Nature Based Enterprises program that focuses on Research and & Development (R&D) and commercialization of unique and innovative natural products. We use a market–led conservation approach and a 3Bs model that balance concertino. Profit and rural income. This program has evolved into a business HORIZON BUSINESS VENTURES LTD that specifically deals with forest based essential oils such as baobab, cape chestnut, marula, Leleswa, wild basil and lippia. 3. Natural Resource Management Program supports communities and grassroots institutions living adjacent to the forest in sustainable forest management and in the implementation of the Forest Act, 2005 and the forest policy, 2015. The program has managed to support 14 CFAs to develop forest management plans in Mount Kenya and Aberdares. The program builds the organizational, technical, management and financial capacity of the CFA to enable them participate effectively in joint forest management with the government. 4. Climate Change program that focuses on climate adaptation and mitigation strategies including climate smart agriculture and nature based solutions that conserve the natural resource base and provide alternative livelihoods. We also promote the domestication of economic trees on-farm through agro-forestry, which has significantly increased the local forest cover. We also promote the use of alternative renewable household energy and solar in water pumping. 5. Local capacity Development that deals with improving employability of TVET youth graduates by training them in soft skills and connecting them with both job and financial support opportunities. SOME PAST AND CURRENT PROJECTS 1. Optimising pumpkin production and value-addition for food security and climate adaptation in Laikipia County. (2024-2025) Stay Alliance Foundation 2. Improving employability of TVET graduates (2021-2024) funded by Finnish Embassy. 3. Community driven regeneration of native forest (2022-204) funded by GIZ : (here you will find all the infor about this project. Or you can share this link in the pics tab, the last picture with the ambassador to Germany, have it somewhere very visible.) 4. Commercialization of non-wood forest products (2018-2021) funded by Genesis Charitable Trust Fund 5. Further Strengthening Governance and Forest Rights through Piloting of Inclusive Benefit Sharing Business Model among CFAs (2015-2016) funded by Finnish Embassy. 6. Up-Scaling for Commercialization of Bio DIESEL and organic by-products (2015) funded by Inter-Church Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO), Netherlands. 7. Light Up My Future (2014-2015) funded by Inter-Church Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO), Netherlands. 8. Development of Tamarillo and strawberry value chain (2012 – 2014) funded by Inter-Church Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO), Netherlands 9. Mount Kenya West Climatic Change Program (2011 – 2014) funded by Act Change Transform (ACT!), Kenya. 10. Commercialization by Installation of Efficient Processing Equipment and Expansion of the Feedstock Supply Base (2013-2015) funded by Energy and Environment Partnership Programme with Southern and East Africa (EEP-S&EA). 11. Energy Saving Options for Rural Households in Nyeri (2012 – 2014) funded by Inter Church Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO), Netherlands. 12. Recognition and Affirmation of Women’s & Community Rights in Community Forest Associations (CFAs) and CFA constituent companies (2014-2015) funded by Finnish Embassy. 13. Integrating ICT in Kenya FED Value Chains (2012-2015) funded by International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD). 14. Up- scaling rural biodiesel in Kenya (2012) funded by World Bank – BEIA. 15. Mount Kenya Forest Management Project (2011-2012) funded by Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT - FAO). 16. Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth through Sustainable Management of Cape Chestnut, Baobab and Marula Essential Oil Value Chain (2017-2018) funded by the Finnish Embassy funded by LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF (2016-2018). 17. Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth through Sustainable Management of Cape Chestnut, Baobab and Marula Essential Oil Value Chain-pilot funded by Finnish Embassy (2015) 18. Commercialization of Non-Wood Forest Products Project funded by GENESIS CHARITABLE TRUST (2018-2021) use this logo not the HSHC one in the website. Can you also please link our social media handles? Help Self Help Centre, P.O. Box 40603 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: +254 720005717 / +254731906859 Email: Website:
    Rosemary plantation - a climate smart technique of farming
    Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.

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